newborn bath tips

Newborn Bath Tips

Babies must be bathed to keep their skin healthy and soft, so fill the tub with lukewarm water and test the temperature using either your wrist or elbow; it should feel warm but not hot.

Before baby adjusts, bringing her home may require assistance and you should ensure a plush towel and all supplies are easily available.

1. Keep Baby Warm

Newborns lose body heat rapidly when left naked, so make sure the bathing area and water are warm enough. Aim for temperatures around 90 degrees; test this by touching it with either your elbow or wrist to verify.

Once the tub is filled with warm water, undress your infant and slowly lower them into it, feet first. Support her head with one hand while using the other to gently guide her into place. Although your child may wiggle and squirm a little when first entering, remain calm and continue talking gently with them to keep her comfortable.

As newborns can quickly dry out, try giving your baby two or three baths every week. If she dislikes tub baths, try going back to sponge baths first until she adjusts – eventually she may find them more relaxing and enjoy bath time more!

2. Keep Baby Safe

Newborns can drown in only inches of water, so it is vital that they are safe. To give a newborn sponge bath, make sure there is a basin of warm (but not hot) water available and place baby on a flat surface such as a changing table or bed; wet the washcloth before gently wiping down their face from bridge of nose around to outer folds of ears using fresh parts each time.

Avoid giving a baby more than three full body baths every week as too frequent bathing sessions can dry out their delicate newborn skin. Once you feel confident handling a slippery and soapy newborn, tub baths may be used but make sure the water temperature is warm enough and never leave baby unattended around water. Lotions and powders should also be avoided as these products can linger in their lungs causing irritation; newborn skin produces its own oils naturally anyway!

3. Clean the Face and Head

Step one in caring for baby eyes involves using a clean washcloth dipped in warm water without soap to wipe each eye gently, taking special care not to get any in the nose or ears.

Next, dampen your baby’s scalp and hair with warm water before applying a small amount of shampoo with your fingers or soft-bristle baby brush, taking care to avoid fontanelles. Rinse out thoroughly using clear water.

Use a gentle cloth designed specifically for newborns (i.e. hypoallergenic), to dry your baby without irritating their sensitive skin, taking special care to dry any folds in their folds of skin such as under the arms, around thighs or armpits.

As important as it is to ensure newborns’ skin remains healthy, it’s important not to oversaturate their bathtime schedule with baths; with frequent wiping during diaper changes keeping their bodies clean enough they may go several days without needing another full-on bath session.

4. Clean the Rest of the Body

While taking your baby for a bath may be exciting for parents, it can also be an educational experience for the curious babies themselves. Make sure the bathroom door remains closed and drain the bathtub when finished – as even small amounts of water could potentially pose a danger. Babies are at risk from drowning if left alone!

Be careful to avoid getting any soap into their eyes or ears and don’t scrub too hard as this could damage their vernix layer.

Keep in mind that newborns don’t require daily baths; too frequent washing could dry out their skin. Three or four baths each week should suffice. After each bath, pat your baby dry using a soft towel. Additionally, consider wrapping them up warm while washing their hair – this will keep them comfortable while being cleaned!

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